Annual Oasis Dinner A Success!

So many of you blessed us with your presence at this year's Oasis Dinner, held on May 11th by "sowing seeds of hope" and helping us raise over $60,000! This will help get us through the next few summer months. Over 400 people attended the event which was emceed by Tim Pistoresi. Following a short video, which outlined our ministries and included inspirational testimonies from staff who are graduates of our programs, many of you sowed seeds of hope by making pledges. This year we were pleased and excited to receive more pledges than ever before. With your support and in collaboration with churches, businesses, and many other organization in our community we hope to reach our goal of greatly reducing homelessness in Merced County. In pledging to the work of the Mission YOU PLANTED SEEDS OF HOPE THAT WILL GROW in the lives of men and women as God brings about change in their lives that will transform their future and the future of this community.

While the Oasis Dinner is a one evening a year event, the impact you make through your attendance, your prayers and your continuing contributions are ongoing. Every day through our many programs you are making a difference as men and women hear the good news of the gospel, as they are helped to overcome their addictions and as they find jobs. You are making it possible for people to be reunited with their families and for people to experience what it means to be a child of God. Thank you to everyone involved for your part in making this year's Oasis Dinner a great success!

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U.S. House Representative Visits Mission

Jim Costa, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing our region in the Central Valley, visited our office on May 2nd. He was enthusiastic as he learned about the many services provided by the Rescue Mission. Mr. Costa offered his help in pursuing opportunities that will be of benefit to people in our area. We look forward to working with Mr. Costa as we serve the people of this community. Thank you Jim for stopping by!

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Mission Graduate Earns Master's Degree!

Congratulations Jason!!! 

Jason West graduated from the Mission in 2014 and since that time he has been working for the Mission in various capacities. Currently he has developed a new interactive curriculum for the Mission’s New Life Transformation Program that will engage our participants as God transforms their lives. He has provided leadership in the development of Hope Medical Respite Care which provides a place for people experiencing homelessness who have been discharged from the hospital. He has also implemented software designed to enroll participants into our programs and then track them as they achieve important goals and move forward in their lives.

Two years ago, Jason enrolled at Grand Canyon University, a private Baptist University in Phoenix, Arizona. Last month Jason graduated with his Master’s Degree in Public Health. Jason’s thesis describes the cost and health benefits of in home care management for low income elderly and disabled individuals versus costly Institutional care. Congratulations Jason, and thank you for your commitment to bring about change in the lives of men and women and to give them HOPE!

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