Upcoming Serving Hope Events!

Holiday Food Drive, October 1 - December 24
Join us in collecting non-perishable food items now through Dec. 24th. All donations go to our holiday banquets and meals throughout the year. Your business may sponsor a barrel, or drop off donations at our office, 644 W 20th Street, Merced. Questions, please call Tim Adam, (209) 947-1394.

Thanksgiving Banquet, November 28
Free Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings for low-income families and those experiencing homelessness at the American Legion Hall, 939 W. Main Street, Merced. Volunteer information, (209) 947-1394.

Giving Tuesday Events, December 3
Prayer Breakfast, 8am at First Baptist Church - Tickets, $25
Birthday Party for Jesus, 5pm at First Baptist Church, bring your family! - Tickets, $10
To reserve a table or purchase tickets, call (209) 349-2912

Holiday Toy Drive, December 1 - December 24
We are collecting toys for children ages 0-13 to hand out to children who attend our Christmas Eve Banquet on Dec. 24th. Your business may sponsor a barrel, or drop off donations at our office, 644 W 20th Street, Merced. Questions, please call Tim Adam, (209) 947-1394.

Christmas Eve Banquet, December 24
Free Christmas meal for low-income families and those experiencing homelessness at the American Legion Hall, 939 W. Main Street, Merced. Volunteer information, (209) 947-1394.

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