Sobering Rooms

When plans were still in the visionary stage, Yvonnia Brown, who at that time was the Director of the County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, recommended that we include space for Sobering Rooms in our Respite Care building. Currently in Merced County, when law enforcement finds a person who is intoxicated or under the influence of drugs and is in need of a place to “sleep it off,” the only alternatives are the hospital for detox or booking a person into jail. Sobering rooms are a less expensive alternative that has been tried throughout the State of California with good results. With this background, the Mission did build space in its new Respite Care facility for Sobering Rooms.

The Mission is working collaboratively with the County Behavioral Health & Recovery Services, Central California Alliance for Health (CCAH Medi-Cal), Golden Valley Health Centers, the City of Merced Police Department, and others to implement a Sobering Room program. We are hoping to begin this program in September if all things fall into place. Policy manuals have been put together and are being reviewed. Funding sources have been sought and Cal-Aims has responded with a program to help fund the first year of operation. The Mission is excited to collaboratively offer this new service to the County of Merced for the benefit of everyone.