Patricia's Story

"My name is Patricia. I was born in Oakland, California. I was the middle child and always got in trouble. I was never good at school and got kicked out my freshman year of high school, so I never went back. I started using drugs at an early age and liked it. I ran away to live the better life with anyone who could supply my habit, and my life continued to spiral downward. I found myself in trouble with the law again and again. I ended up in jails, and institutions, and eventually tried to take my own life. Once again homeless, I was in another abusive relationship. Not only was I addicted to drugs, but to pain and chaos in my life. I was weak and had no faith. I tried numerous times to get clean and sober but could not. I entered several treatment centers, but always got kicked out. Having no one else to turn to, I would pray to Jesus and talk to him about my situation. I was hungry for a new way of life and needed a change, and I took my life back. I was sick and tired of feeling alone and lost.

It was through the Mission that Jesus entered my heart. I never followed rules very well and had a problem with authority figures my whole life. So, I'm not saying it was all easy. At times I had struggles and still do, but through the Rescue Mission I started to experience God healing my wounds.

Sometimes we may think we have all the time in the world to change, to learn, or to help others, but we don't. Our time is both precious and limited. So, I got busy getting right with God and my family. Today I walk with God, and because of this, I am a much better person, helping care for my grandchildren, enjoying my family and following God's plan for my life."

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